My name is Pam, and to let you know a little about myself, I am an Engineer by day who lives off of a constant supply of coffee and the occasional cup of tea.  I spend what seems like endless hours in my car where you will find me listening to anything from the latest greatest releases of the music industry to the classics I was raised on, Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles.  One of my favorite things it attending live shows, so as you will see on our Upcoming Shows page, there are plenty of gigs that you will find me at.  In my opinion there is nothing better than discovering new music that I will have on repeat as I drive home with the windows down, or even dance to at a live show.  I love feeling the energy of an artist at a live event, and seeing the reaction of the crowd.

So where did the name 'The Fairmount Sound' come from?

That's an easy one!  I spent a lot of time at my grandmother's house, and her road name is Fairmount. The name is a bit of a nod to her and my childhood. If I wasn't there, I was at home listening to my father's massive album collection. Growing up there was always music playing and I fell in love exploring all genres of the music world.

With all of that said, I hope you will enjoy exploring our site!  Be sure to check out the Contact page if you have any album, song, or show suggestions for us and be sure to explore the New Release pages for an updated list of the releases (both singles and albums) on our radar and quick links to the reviews.

With all of that said, I'll see you at the next show!

Much love,


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